Well, I made my fourth trip to Denmark and the third to Copenhagen this thursday. But this time the partners in travel were the whole of my class from 141, and two of our art teachers Graham and Martin. The highlight of the tour was the Lousiana Museum which has the best collection in Scandinavia. We also got to catch the "Sip My Ocean" exhibition which had chosen works of video art. Among them were the works of Gary Hill, Bill Viola and Nam June Paik, whom we read so much about in our first term. There was also one artist in that exhibition from my lil' desh named Runa Islam (tho she works out of UK). The Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen was also interesting, with its messy artworks in progress. It certainly made me feel a bit inspired about the arts, working with matter and your hands... to produce. Then again, we are back now to our computers, in our own mess, our ship-building block of 141 with its industrial cranes and whatnot. I took some pics while we were there, check out the flickr site for those.